Mirabai Devi Lightworker Training

Announcing the Mirabai Devi Lightworker Training

Visit www.MirabaiDeviLightworkers.org!

The Mirabai Devi Foundation is pleased to announce that we have expanded our Lightworker Training program and are now opening it to the public!

Mirabai has been working one-on-one with individuals across the country for the last ten years, training people in the art of holding the Light for humanity. The Lightworker Training is a lifelong, ongoing training program for spiritual seekers and healers currently “walking their spiritual path.” Students in the Lightworker Training make a commitment to evolving their consciousness to be of maximum service to the Light.

With the recent influx of a powerful, new wave of Unity Consciousness entering the planet, the collective consciousness of humanity is dramatically changing. Now, there is a deep need for people across the world to hold this new, higher frequency of consciousness with love and in the spirit of selfless service to their communities. The Lightworker Training was designed for this purpose.

Lightworkers learn to master the energies of thought, word, and deed and how to work through individual and collective fear through the Grade of the Divine Principal. The Lightworker Training delves into the subtle mysteries of co-creation, healing and transformation and teaches Lightworkers to become a beacon in all circumstances.

The Lightworker Training is now open to the public!

It is currently being hosted in three parts of the country- California, Charleston and New England.

Please visit the NEW LIGHTWORKER WEBSITE for a detailed overview of the program and to apply at www.MirabaiDeviLightworkers.org

Peace, Love and Blessings!

Forgiveness Prayers

For Howard Wills' Forgiveness Prayers,

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