Mentorship Programs
NEW PROGRAM — Spiritual Activation
Mirabai Devi has been facilitating transformational experiences for most of her life. Her personal awakenings and inner initiations with Cosmic Master Teachers and Direct Source have opened her channels to create a unique synthesis of healing and activation. This program is for those who wish to increase/renew their frequency and open to the new energies of Divine Light on the planet. This time with Mirabai will also be spent cleansing, releasing, healing what no longer serves. Mirabai will work with the Light with each participant. This program is for those who wish a regular tune up in the Light. Bi-weekly calls. If you would like to be a part of these monthly calls, please contact us @ 760-216-1029.
Program 1: Listening to your Inner Guidance
Mirabai has a deep connection to the Divine. For many years from her training with the Divine Light directly and her years at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, she has practiced the art of “inner listening”. Participants will learn how to listen to the still small voice of the Divine, and distinguish it from the confusing voices of our human conditioning. This experiential workshop and its deep practices and individual mentoring will provide an environment of deeper connectivity to the Divine. From that contact comes a far greater flow of ease and grace into the activity of our daily life. Mirabai will help participants to access and identify the true inner voice of the Divine verses ego voices and help strengthen one’s receptivity to their inner guidance. “Inner Listening” is like a muscle that has to be worked in order to create strength.
Everyone was born with the capacity to connect with the Divine Light. That All-Knowing part of us is always awake and ready to provide guidance and direction, even in the smallest things. In this 2-month program, participants will learn how to hear that guidance unmistakably and to feel confident and secure in their inner connection to the Source of all wisdom.
Duration: 2 months, weekly
Cost: $800
To register, please call 760-216-1029
Program 2: Meditation: Awaken to your Divine Nature
“When consciousness awakens, the awareness of Oneness of All awakens. There is Oneness with nature. All energies present with all the masters of higher consciousness, past and present, come together”

Mirabai meditating
Level One:
For Beginners. Learn how to meditate.
Participants will be able to sign up for this 8 weekly phone sessions with a supportive group, facilitated by Mirabai. If you’ve always wanted to learn how to meditate, join Mirabai Devi for this beginner’s program and learn how to begin the process of awakening… Individual mentoring included. Duration: Two Months, weekly
Cost: $800
Level Two:
Advanced Meditation: Deepen your practice.
This workshop is for those who have been meditating for some time but can’t seem to break through to the next level. Mirabai will facilitate this group which will include group meditation practices, helpful tips, and an opportunity for individual mentoring. Mirabai will work on whatever blocks need to be cleared in order for you to open more fully into the Light within. In this program, participants will create a collective experience that will lift each individual above the “static” of every day life and give a lasting perspective that everything is always OK at this level. Speaker phone required.
Duration: Two Months, weekly
Cost: $800
To Register for either program, please call 760-216-1029
Program 3: Healing and Cleansing our Relationships
Part 1: Healing and Cleansing your Relationships – for Individuals
The focus on all relationships, generally. It will include practical tools, prayer and the art of peace-making, including specific tools of active listening, giving/receiving empathy, forgiveness, and how to resolve conflict in deeply respectful and honoring ways. Mirabai Devi will also work on participants individually. Participants will also learn how relationships affect health and well-being and how to cleanse our “story”.
Part 2: Healing and Cleansing your Intimate Relationship – for couples. (See above for description)
Part 3: Healing and Cleansing your Intimate Relationship – For single partners. This is for those whose spouse or partner is unable or unwilling to participate. (See above for description)
We have all experienced conflict, betrayal, mistrust, abandonment, neglect, being lied to, cheated on, not heard, not able to communicate our feelings, feeling shut down, or unable to know how to resolve painful feelings. This is part of the human condition. The key is knowing how to release these feelings through the sacred art of unconditional love, forgiveness and peacemaking and to keep relationships cleansed of negation. This 4-week (phone) workshop is about living LOVE – not in theory, but in thought, word, and action, every day.
Relationship is about empathy, mutuality, listening, giving, receiving and so much more. In this program, you will explore ways to increase your capacity to love in relationship with others. It is all about opening the heart and becoming more skilled in this very vital and essential area of life. Many people have destructive relationships; they “settl” or feel trapped and unfulfilled. This workshop is about learning how to get from unhealthy dysfunctional relationships to those that are healthy, loving, vibrant.
Duration: One Month, with weekly phone calls.
Cost: $400
To Register, please call 760-216-1029
Program 4: 30 Day Abundance Program
Learn the spiritual alchemy of true Abundance – in health, finances, and relationships. Finances are an expression of our ability to receive, reflecting our beliefs around deserving and worthiness. The more we love ourselves and allow ourselves to receive, the more Goodness will flow to us. Our Inner Presence, our Divine Light, is the Source of infinite supply. Become a powerful Co-Creator with the Divine and experience the lavish Abundance that is forever flowing from the Master Consciousness within you. Participants will sign up for a bi-weekly phone conference with Mirabai that allows for individual support, teaching, sharing and daily practices.

Abundance is our birthright!
Mirabai will work on the individuals in this phone workshop and provide specific tools to increase abundance.
Abundance connects us with the flow of life from where all manifest form emerges. It allows us to use the principles of creation in our daily life so that we can take full responsibility and accountability for the reality which we are creating. Abundance is a state of consciousness where we know, in body, mind and Spirit, that we are the Master Co-Creator of our own destiny and that we live, breathe and move in a Universe that is shaped by our thoughts, feelings and intentions. Ultimately, everything we could ever want or need is already ours. Mirabai will help each participant to develop new habits of thought, feeling and perception by uncovering any hidden beliefs or programming that block abundance, and above all, through the practice of powerful mantras, journaling, prayer, and meditations specifically focused on increasing prosperity. This program will radically change your relationship to money and abundance of all kinds!
Duration: One Month, with Weekly calls
Cost: $400
To Register, please call 760-216-1029
Program 5: Samadhi & Developing Advanced States of Consciousness
If you have had experiences of higher levels of consciousness where you tasted Bliss or, Unity, or where your being merged into the Universal Self, this program will facilitate, strengthen and anchor a deeper and more constant connection with the Divine. A One Year phone program, with monthly calls with Mirabai during which she will help to remove limiting blocks within you that keep you from maintaining a more consistent connection to the Divine. Her prayers will be directed toward putting you into higher states of consciousness and helping you to deepen your connection to the Light through direct experience. There is no separation from the Divine. We just need to increase our “Knowing” of that truth.
Samadhi is a state of oneness with the Atman, the Self or Soul. Through spiritual practice, all attachments to the material world, and all karma, are dissolved into the Light. Aware and fully conscious oneness with Spirit is achieved in a most loving way and all cells of the physical body are flooded with an ocean of divine love and divine bliss for any period of duration – hours, days, weeks, until the individual has fully shifted to a state of complete Oneness – a Transcendent Bliss that is beyond all utterance. This is our divine birthright and the ultimate Destiny of every individual. During this program, Mirabai will go into the Light with those participating and help each one individually to open more fully into a heightened awareness. The emphasis will be on personal, direct experience. One journeys through various stages of Samadhi, each beautiful and uplifting, ultimately leading to complete healing of karmic wounds and an experience of Bliss, Divine Love and Inner Rapture. Begin this journey now with Mirabai as an experienced guide.
Note: An interview process with Mirabai is needed prior to this course.
A One Year Program, with Monthly Phone calls and Occasional individual session work/support
Cost: $1,500* (Ability to pay in installments)
To Register, please call 760-216-1029
Program 6: Cleansing for health conditions: Health and Healing through cleansing prayer and the Divine Light
Group 1:
This program is for those who have health challenges and concerns. Mirabai Devi will work on you through prayers. The program will facilitate the cleansing of the causes as well as transmute any existing conditions into a state of better health, equilibrium and harmony. She will give teachings on the causes of health conditions as well as practices to do at home to maintain better health. This includes back problems and health problems in general.
Note: If you are prone to depression or bipolar condition please see the program on prayer, below.
Duration: 6 months, Twice a month calls
Cost: $150.00 each session
Group 2: This program is for those with long-standing emotional problems such as depression, etc. Its focus will be on prayer. For those who are sensitive to energy and/or transmission of the Light, this is a very safe and effective use of prayer that will keep conditions stabilized.
Duration: 1 Year
Cost: $150 per session
To Register for either program, please call 760-216-1029
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