Organizer Information
The following handouts are designed to help organizers plan a Mirabai Devi event. They are available in both Microsoft Word and PDF file format.
Documents for the Organizer to download:
- Creating a Mirabai Devi Event…………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Darshan Handout Sheet…………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Favorite Foods………………………………………………MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Flyer: Intimate Gathering Template…………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Flyer: Program Template…………………………………MS WORD
- Flyer: Ottawa Poster………………………………………………………………………………..PDF
- Flyer: Retreat UMass………………………………………………………………………………..PDF
- Form: Intimate Gathering Registration………………..MS EXCEL…………………………..PDF
- Form: Mailing List………………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Form: Signs………………………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Mantra Sheet………………………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Healing Mantras…………………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Healing Mantras for Negative Energy Removal ……..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Healing Mantras for Relationships……………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Forgiveness Prayers for Self Healing…………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Peace Making Affirmation………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- World Peace Affirmation………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- World Peace Prayer………………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- MC Intimate Gathering Notes…………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- MC Program Notes – updated 3-06…………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Venue Checklist……………………………………………MS WORD…………………………..PDF
- Darshan MC Notes – Short Version……………………MS WORD…………………………..PDF
Follow Mirabai !