Organizer Information

The following handouts are designed to help organizers plan a Mirabai Devi event.  They are available in both Microsoft Word and PDF file format.

Documents for the Organizer to download:

  1. Creating a Mirabai Devi Event…………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  2. Darshan Handout Sheet…………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  3. Favorite Foods………………………………………………MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  4. Flyer: Intimate Gathering Template…………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  5. Flyer: Program Template…………………………………MS WORD
  6. Flyer: Ottawa Poster………………………………………………………………………………..PDF
  7. Flyer: Retreat UMass………………………………………………………………………………..PDF
  8. Form: Intimate Gathering Registration………………..MS EXCEL…………………………..PDF
  9. Form: Mailing List………………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  10. Form: Signs………………………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  11. Mantra Sheet………………………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  12. Healing Mantras…………………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  13. Healing Mantras for Negative Energy Removal ……..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  14. Healing Mantras for Relationships……………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  15. Forgiveness Prayers for Self Healing…………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  16. Peace Making Affirmation………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  17. World Peace Affirmation………………………………….MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  18. World Peace Prayer………………………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  19. MC Intimate Gathering Notes…………………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  20. MC Program Notes – updated 3-06…………………..MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  21. Venue Checklist……………………………………………MS WORD…………………………..PDF
  22. Darshan MC Notes – Short Version……………………MS WORD…………………………..PDF

Forgiveness Prayers

For Howard Wills' Forgiveness Prayers,

Mirabai's Newsletter