Mirabai’s Charitable Works
Mirabai is from Johannesburg, South Africa.
Her charitable works include the sponsorship of AIDS Orphanages in Johannesburg.

Mirabai at New Jerusalem Home, South Africa
New Jerusalem Home

Mirabai with the children
The New Jerusalem Home for HIV/AIDS orphans in Johannesburg, South Africa offers outstanding holistic support to children. Aromatherapy, Massage, Chelation Therapy, Kirtan, and Spiritual healing, as well as full medical treatment and educational scholarships are provided to all children at the orphanage.
As a result, the New Jerusalem Home is Mirabai’s number one choice. She has personally worked with all the chidren at the home. She frequently donates funds and organizes fundraising events for the charity in the U.S. and in South Africa.
Maharishi Institute in South Africa
An urban University for Business MBA and Leadership Degress, the Maharishi Institute in South Africa is ispiring a new generation of spiritually aware, conscious business leaders for Africa.
Mirabai has spoken at Maharishi Institute engagements and raised funds for the center.
Mirabai’s brother, Dr. Taddy Blecher, has formed a large meditation and consciousness raising project called “University in a Box,” which provides business and leadership degrees for underpriveledged African kids who come from poor rural villages across Africa. This program maintains, amongst many projects, a call center and several, small entrepreneurial start-up companies in rural areas to reindustrialize poor, rural villages. Students adopt HIV positive kids to mentor while they are receiving their college education.
Donors, Sponsors, Lecturers and Mentors to the Maharishi Institute, South Africa include:
Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Mrs. Mbeki (ex-President of South Africa’s wife), Oprah Winfrey, the Dalai Lama, Suzy Ormond, William Dell, and the Bill Gates Foundation.
Caring For Our Spiritual Elders
HOPI: Grandfather Martin Fund |
African Prophet, Credo Mutwe |
Mirabai has donated MUCH healing work to Grandfather Martin, the Keeper of the Hopi Wisdom Prophecies and the Keeper of the Hopi Prophecy Rock in Arizona, USA. Mirabai would like to expand her aid to Grandfather Martin through further fundraising and donations |
Mirabai has been a big supporter of the African Prophet and Lead Sangoma (Chief Medicine Man of Africa)- Credo Mutwe. Her work has included fundraising for his wholistic AIDS Clinic and supporting he and his family’s living expenses. |
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