- Mirabai on YouTube
Mirabai also has many videos on Youtube. Click here to see MirabaiDevi on the YouTube website.
- Mirabai’s Interview with Rick Archer at Batgap
We invite you to join Mirabai on her interview with Rick Archer from Buddha at the Gas Pump (Batgap) that aired on September 21st 2014
- Mirabai Devi interview with Susan Allen
Mirabai Devi on Evolution Revolution
Join Mirabai as she speaks with Susan Allan on her May 28th Television Interview!
- Mirabai TV Interview on Evolution Revolution
Mirabai Devi on Evolution Revolution
Join Mirabai as she speaks with Susan Allan on her September 30th Television Interview!
- Leading Change Agents & 11:11
11:11 Magazine, 11:11 Talk Radio & Simran Singh are grateful and honored to bring powerful conversations and works to individuals seeking a greater experience of themselves.
What an honor and a privilege….and what we are all about ! Leading Change Agents….Don Miguel Ruiz, Arielle Ford, Debbie Ford, Colette Baron-Reid, Michael Benard Beckwith, Rickie Byars-Beckwith, Dr. Sue Morter, Sonia Choquette, Deepak Chopra, Gregg Braden, Andrew Harvey, Dan Millman, Mirabai Devi, Inna Segal, Dr. Zhi Gang Sha, Sylvia Browne, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Bob Proctor, James Van Praagh & more… www.1111mag.com
- New Living in Light – Film Trailer
New Living in Light – Film Premier Trailer
Here is the newest trailer for the upcoming documentary on Enlightenment “Living in Light”. Producers Paul Gagnier and Carl Rozycki have completed filming with the addition of Neale Donald Walsch as narrator along with Alan Cohen, Gangaji, Eli Jaxon-Bear, Mirabai Devi, Panache Desai, and +Elijah- as interviewees. The movie was completed in December. The Living in Light website is up and running …please visit it at: www.livinginlightmovie.com. We are very excited about bringing this positive and uplifting movie into the light.
- Light, Lightworkers, and New Earth
Mirabai Devi – interviewed by Lilou Mace, in Kauai, Hawaii. October 2011
Mirabai Devi’s Lightworker Training is an advanced spiritual program designed to empower those who feel called to be of service in the world. This training activates the participant’s inner light, removes blockages, and cleanses karma so they can become a stable, loving conduit for the Divine Light.
Being a Lightworker means first learning how to raise your own vibrational frequency, then raise the frequency of the whole collective consciousness of humanity, and then help heal Mother Earth. The Lightworkers are Midwives to help Mother Earth through her Ascension. They hold that frequency of the Divine Light in their community, and ground this Light into the Earth.
The next International Lightworker Retreat on the mystical island of Kauai will be held in July of 2012. It is an intensive, magical and profoundly transformational one-week retreat for those active in Mirabai Devi’s Lightworker Training. The first International Lightworker Retreat on Kauai concluded in late October of 2011, and every participant experienced great healing and opening in their lives. Information about the details of the July 2012 retreat will be posted as they are finalized.
If you would like free downloads of Healing Mantras and Howard Wills’ Forgiveness Prayers, please look on our website at www.mirabaidevi.org under our Teachings menu for Mantras and Prayers. Other healing tools, such asguided meditation CDs, will help to maintain good spiritual practices. These can be ordered off the website.
For those who want to know more about Mirabai Devi’s Lightworker Training, please go to www.mirabaidevilightworkers.org. There is a wealth of information about the training, as well as info on how to apply to join the growing worldwide community of Lightworkers.
Thank you for your interest in Mirabai Devi and her mission.
All blessings to you in Divine Light. - Light Transmission by Mirabai Devi
Please use this Light Transmission Video anytime that you would like to receive a healing activation. Please view the video in silence with an open heart to receive the Light.
It will help with healing on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. Receiving a Light Transmission raises your vibrational frequency and your consciousness; which opens you up to more Divine Grace to come into your life. The Divine Light transmutes blockages and transforms negativity into positive energy.
To book a personal Light Transmission with Mirabai Devi on phone or Skype, email: info@mirabaidevi.org or call: Mirabai Devi Foundation Office at: 760 216 1029
- Living In Light Interview with Mirabai Devi
“Living in Light,” a documentary focused on exploring human enlightenment
Paul Gangnier, The Highest Thoughts, pgangnier@mac.com
Carl Rozycki, InVision Maui Productions, panamacarl@yahoo.com
- Living in Light- Film Preview Trailer
Carl Rozycki of InVision Maui Productions, and Paul W. Gangnier of The Highest Thoughts, are in the process of filming a documentary dedicated to exploring the phenomenon of human enlightenment.
The filming takes place in Hawaii with an interview format, in which Intuitive, Paul W. Gangnier, will ask today’s enlightened teachers the important questions concerning various aspects of human behaviors and their opinions about enlightenment.
- Invitation to the 1st Annual Lightworker Retreat on Kauai
Kauai Lightworker Retreat October 23-29, 2011
- Mirabai Devi on the Juicy Living Tour
Interview with Lilou Mace on the Juicy Living Tour
In this interview, Mirabai talks about the Ascension of the Earth and human consciousness into the 5th dimension and the role of the Lightworkers in this awakening. - Yogamates Interview with Mirabai Devi (part 1)
Fantastic in-depth interview with Mirabai Devi (part 1)
- Yogamates Interview with Mirabai Devi (part 2)
A fantastic in-depth interview with Mirabai (part 2)
- Introduction to the Darshan Video
Introduction to the Darshan with Mirabai Devi.
A beautiful short on the incredible gift of Mirabai Devi’s darshan.
- Darshan with the Dolphins Slideshow
 Featuring Mirabai Devi and friends singing the Om Dum Durgayei Mantra!
This beautiful slideshow features scenes from Mirabai’s famous Dolphin retreats in Bimini, Bahamas.
These photos were taken on the day Mirabai gives Darshan in the crystal clear Bimini waters.
For more information on the Dolphin retreats with Mirabai, please visit our Retreats page.
- Mantra to Remove Negative Energy
Om Vajra Sattva Hung
This is a mantra for clearing out negative energy from the body. It is a Tibetan Buddhist mantra- Om Vajra Sattva Hung. Chant along with Mirabai for deep cleansing!
- Mantra to Bring in Positive Energy
Om Sharavana Bhavaya Namaha
Mirabai leads a group in chanting the Om Sharavana Bhavaya Mantra, which brings in positive energy. This mantra also brings good luck! Watch and chant along with Mirabai to raise your vibration! - Mirabai Giving Healing Prayers at Agape
Mirabai leading a group at Agape in Los Angeles through a series of cleansing, forgiveness prayers.
Follow Mirabai !