Healing Teleconference Calls with Mirabai Devi
Mirabai Devi’s healing teleconference calls have been filling a deep need for healing in people’s lives. We continue to receive many beautiful testimonials about the profound healing taking place during these teleconference sessions.
Please click the link at the bottom of this page to register for our next teleconference call. We also invite you to visit our Events Page to register and find out when our next teleconference series will be held.
Healing Intentions Light Transmission Teleconference Calls with Mirabai Devi
Throughout the year, Mirabai offers low-cost teleconference calls, including her Healing Intentions Light Transmissions teleconferences, along with other low-cost calls, so that we may experience the greatest opportunity of opening into the Light during this tremendous time of change.
We invite you to be the co-creator of your own experiences.. These special weekly teleconference calls include group cleansing & manifestation Light transmissions for you and your intentions.
Cleansing Your Family and Lineage Karma Teleconference with Mirabai Devi
We all have experienced painful struggles, which over time, if left untreated, will accumulate into emotional pain. We create emotional pain through our own violation of nature, through our negative thoughts, actions, and deeds, and through family and lineage karma. Because we genetically store all family and lineage negativity, it’s equally as important to cleanse our lineage as it is the karma of our own life and lifetimes.
Family karmic effects can be found not only as imprints in one’s personality traits, belief systems, or lifestyles, but also in one’s mental, emotional and physical bodies. Repetitive generational examples include limited beliefs and habits; emotional, physical, sexual, or financial trauma; and ways of thinking or acting which are not in the highest good of all involved.
We invite you to choose freedom for your family! Cleansing your lineage can greatly influence an individual’s response or course of action. Mirabai will offer a teaching, forgiveness prayer cleansing, and a 30-minute group Light Transmission.
Cleansing Your Personal and Family Financial Burdens Teleconference with Mirabai Devi
When we have financial burdens, both our own and the burdens of our family members, we feel weighed-down and heavy. It is hard to breathe-easy when we are in debt and not able to cover our financial needs. Sometimes we are living beyond our means -or- just stuck and blocked and unable to even make our financial goals.
Financial burdens put us into a state of limitation and emotional paralysis instead of abundance and open-heartedness. This kind of stress affects our health (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual), and our peace of mind. These limitations can cause lower back pain, constriction of the heart, and other heart issues. At this point, we have allowed fear to govern our lives.
Join Mirabai Devi for this special teleconference designed to cleanse personal and family finances. We invite you to choose financial freedom for yourself and your family! Mirabai Devi will offer a teaching, forgiveness prayer cleansing, and a 30-minute group Light Transmission.
Blessings for Our Beloved Pets and Animals Teleconference with Mirabai Devi
Divine Love has tremendous compassion and empathy, and the Light is here for both humans and animals. We don’t want to forget our animal friends and family members, and how much they need help and Light.
Join Mirabai Devi for this unique opportunity for your furry four-legged or feather two-legged companions to receive healing directly from the Divine Light. This special teleconference series is offered occasionally throughout the year.
Healing Mini-Retreat Teleconference Intensives with Mirabai Devi
Mirabai Devi invites you to join her in these rare opportunities to receive powerful healing in these group teleconference workshops. In these afternoon or evening mini-retreats, Mirabai will focus on specific areas that need healing, including Family and Lineage Karma Cleansing or Individual and Family Personal Financial Healing, and much more.
Mirabai will lead the group through several hours (anywhere between 3 – 4 1/2 hours) of Group Cleansing and Individual Healing through Divine Light Transmissions on these focused topics. Join Mirabai for these profound experiences that will culminate in a blissful state of awakening, a healed body, and expanded consciousness.
Mayan Light Activation Teleconferences with Mirabai Devi and Vincent Kandonache
Join Mirabai Devi and Mayan Spiritual Leader, Vincent Kandonache, to find out what the Mayans have known throughout many generations! During these rare teleconference opportunities, Kandonache will offer sacred teachings of the Mayan tradition, and will share the message the Mayans are bringing into the world.
Mirabai and Kandonache will offer sacred teachings, prayers and blessings, and a special Mayan Light Transmissions for the teleconference group. The Mayan Prophecy tells us that we will now awaken from our slumber. We invite you to become part of this celebration of Life!
For more information, please call our Mirabai Devi Foundation Office at 760-216-1029 or email info@mirabaidevi.org
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